Choosing a Merchant Account Provider

Sales is the lifeblood of most small businesses. So why do so many small business owners struggle to sell products that they know are great? Below we offer some of our best sales tips that have worked for us over the years to help us successfully build our merchant account business.

Overcoming Sales Objections

One of the best  Sales Tips to become a successful salesperson for your small business is to make sure that you are able to consistently overcome sales objections. This can be done by mapping out all possible objections that may come up during a sales call. Once you have identified possible objections, create a solid plan on how your business or product can overcome perceived objections. Make sure any arguments used to overcome objections are positive and productive.

When you take the time to understand possible objections ahead of time, it can help customers feel immediately at ease. It’s amazing to watch a customer’s defensive attitude fall away when you have solid answers and experiences to answer objections. Coming up with a plan to overcome objections helps to make it easier for customers to trust in you and your product.  This is a tried and true Sales Tips method of overcoming sales objections can do wonders for your bottom line.

Listen and Learn

Part of the sales conversation is taking the time to truly listen to your customers and understand their immediate needs. Often times, customers are not necessarily looking for a quick-fix solution. Most customers can tell when you are more interested in selling your product rather than listening to what they have to say. Practice taking time to listen and learn about the problems small business owners deal with. Be sure to notice cues that are both verbal and non-verbal to get a clear overall picture of the problem.

Don’t Argue with the Customer

Sales can be a high pressure job and sometimes a salesperson can get too emotionally involved in the sales process. Instead of selling product, you may be tempted to “argue” with a potential customer to help them see your point of view. As you can imagine, this tacit rarely works out for the salesperson. Change can be scary for a lot of customers and sometimes considering a new product is overwhelming. Consider this point of view during your sales process, when a customer begins to feel threatened. Listen instead of criticizing and condemning.

Keep it Simple

Having the ability to purchasing your product should be as easy as possible. When everybody is feeling good about the idea of purchasing products, don’t hold back from collecting a check.  Make it as easy as possible to close a sale. Consider having a mobile processing system everywhere you go, so that you can collect a credit card at any time during the sales process. You can use the following devices to collect credit cards.


We typically work with the following operating systems:




To accept credit cards with your smartphone, all you need is a data plan (connection to the internet), a card reader, SecureGlobalPay’s mobile processing app and a merchant account with SecureGlobalPay. You can start accepting credit cards virtually anyplace covered by your data plan with your smartphone.


We typically work with the following operating systems:




Tablets are a multi-functional sales tool that allows you to easily showcase your product. Interested customers can quickly make purchases at any time during the sales process with a tablet that is equipped to process credit cards. If your tablet is available with a data plan it is simple to connect a USB card reader to the tablet and process credit cards at any time.


Your laptop can also process credit cards through SecureGlobalPay’s payment gateway services. It is much the same as your smartphone, you will need an Internet connection and a mobile processing card reader. This is a great option if you don’t want to purchase a tablet or smartphone.

Do Not Be Afraid of No

One of the most important Sales Tips we can offer is “Don’t get discouraged” However, hearing no is part of the sales process. Understanding how to protect yourself from getting emotionally involved when you hear no can help you to keep moving forward. Don’t take no personally. No is just an exciting opportunity to overcome objections, or it allows you to keep searching for that yes.

Sales Tips to Understand your Sales Cycle

The sales cycle is defined as the time from when you make first contact with your potential customer, to the actual sale of the product. Becoming aware of the sales cycle helps you to manage your emotions when you repeatedly hear no. Knowing your sales cycle allows you to feel some control over the sales process. A sales cycle can be long or short. Of course, it is always best to analyze your sales cycle to find out if there is room for improvement throughout your cycle. The best sales are the short sales. So don’t be afraid to really look at your cycle and find the best ways to shorten it.

Partner with SGP by Becoming a Sales Person

If you are looking for a sales position, SecureGlobalPay provides a wide range of attractive opportunities for independent sales reps, re-sellers and partners looking to increase their revenue streams by referring and acquiring merchants, both traditional as well as hard to place. We have a variety of compensation packages including simple referral-based programs; upfront bonus programs as well as ongoing residual income opportunities for the life of the accounts referred, boarded and processing. We also offer ongoing training and support to help assist with quality conversions and portfolio growth year in and year out.  Choose your income prospect with SecureGlobalPay.

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