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Cash Discount Signage – Free Templates and Examples

Cash Discount Signage – Free Templates and Examples

If you’re a business owner looking to implement a cash discount program, proper cash discount signage is not just a practical necessity — it’s a legal requirement. Luckily, the guidelines are fairly straightforward. 

In this article, we’ll outline how your cash discount signage should look and sound, explain the specific requirements set by major credit card issuers, and offer some practical examples and templates to get you started.


  • Cash discount signage is a legal requirement and must clearly inform customers about the discount details before transactions are processed.
  • Signage guidelines by card brands include clear wording, prominent display, and emphasizing the benefit of cash payments without penalizing card users.
  • Local laws may impose additional requirements, such as bilingual signage or specific size and visibility standards to ensure clarity for all consumers.
  • SecureGlobalPay provides tailored solutions for implementing cash discount programs, including free templates, advanced POS systems, and expert compliance support.

Cash discount signage requirements

Cash discounting is legally permitted nationwide. However, the specifics of how it must be communicated can vary slightly depending on your location and the credit card brands your business accepts.

General guidelines set by card brands

All big card brands (Visa, Discover, Mastercard, American Express) have very similar rules when it comes to cash discount signage. 

Merchants who offer cash discounts must clearly inform their customers of the discount details before any transaction is processed. In practice, this means the following:

  • The cash discount signage should be prominently displayed at every point of entry into the business and at each point of sale.
  • The sign should outline the cash discount terms, including the percentage or amount discounted from the standard price when paying with cash.
  • The language used should be clear and explicitly state that a discount is offered for cash payments as opposed to an extra fee being charged for card payments.

The last point about wording is important because it helps differentiate the cash discount from similar programs like surcharging or convenience fees.

Here are a couple of specifics you should be aware of as well:

  • Discover stipulates that the cash discount must be applied uniformly across all products and services offered, to avoid discriminatory pricing.
  • American Express requires that any cash discount signage clearly communicates the benefits of paying by cash without suggesting a penalization for using a card. Additionally, Amex sometimes requires merchants to submit their signage for approval before it can be displayed.

If you follow these recommendations, you should be good to go.

If you’re afraid that you might miss something, talk with your merchant account provider or SecureGlobalPay who specializes in many of the cash discount programs.

We regularly help businesses implement all types of zero-fee programs so we know these guidelines inside and out.  

Local laws and regulations around cash discount program signage

Aside from the guidelines set by card brands, local laws and regulations can also impose additional signage requirements for cash discount programs. They often address broader consumer protection concerns which boil down to:

  • Clarity and visibility: Local laws may dictate the size, font, and color of signage to ensure that it is clearly visible and readable. This ensures that all consumers, including those with disabilities, can easily understand the pricing structure before making a purchase.
  • Language requirements: In areas with a high concentration of non-English speakers, local regulations might require that signage be bilingual or multilingual.

Cash discount sign examples 

The following examples of cash discount signage show how, while the wording can differ, the core message stays the same. 

We do not necessarily recommend that you copy one of these examples as some could be phrased better (and we have a proper template in the following section).   

An example of cash discount program signage.

Cash discount signage example. Source: LinkedIn Pulse article

Cash discount signage example.

Cash discount signage example #2. Source: Bloomberg

An example of a cash discount program signage.

Cash discount signage example #3

Free cash discount signage templates

Here are a couple of free cash discount signage templates we created. You can download these templates by clicking on the following link:

Cash discount sign v1

Cash discount sign template version 1.

Cash discount sign v2

Cahs discount sign template version 2

How to properly word your cash discount notice

If you want to design and write your own cash discount notice instead of using a template, follow these guidelines:

Be clear, direct, and concise

Start with a straightforward statement that explicitly states the benefit. Use simple language that can be easily understood by all customers.

  • How to do it right: “Receive a 5% discount on your total purchase when you pay with cash!”
  • What to avoid: “Price reduction available — ask inside!” (This is vague and doesn’t specify the cash payment condition.)
  • What to avoid: “Pay with cash and avoid the hassles of credit card fees while enjoying reduced pricing on our entire inventory.” (Too lengthy and complicated for quick reading.)

Specify the conditions (if applicable)

Detail any conditions that apply to the discount. If the discount is only available on certain days, or for certain items, make this clear.  For instance, “Cash discount applies to in-store purchases only.”

Avoid negative language

Frame the cash discount positively. Instead of focusing on penalties or higher costs for card payments, emphasize the benefit of paying with cash.

  • How to do it right: “Enjoy a 3% discount when you pay with cash!”
  • What to avoid: “Avoid a 3% fee by not using your credit card.” (This can create a negative association with card payments.)

Ensure compliance with card brand guidelines

As discussed earlier, ensure your wording adheres to the specific guidelines of each card network your business uses. This generally means clarifying that the discount is a reduction from standard pricing rather than an additional fee for card users.

  • How to do it right: “Cash Discount: Save 2% on all transactions when you pay with cash.”
  • What to avoid: “Card users will be charged an extra 2%.” (This suggests a penalty for card users, which can be misleading.)

Use inviting language

Encourage customers to take advantage of the discount with inviting language.

  • How to do it right: Use phrases like “Cash Discount: Save 3% on all transactions when you pay with cash instead of a card.” or “Save more with cash!.”
  • What to avoid: “Cash discount available.” (While not incorrect, it’s not very engaging or motivating.)

Implement cash discounting with SecureGlobalPay

SecureGlobalPay is a payment services provider that offers business all-in-one payment processing solutions, regardless of their industry. This includes:

  • A retail or high-risk merchant account
  • FREE POS hardware that supports a cash discount model
  • Fair and transparent pricing
  • No long-term contracts or closure fees
  • High security and encryption standards, ensuring all transactions comply with the applicable laws and card brand rules
  • Seasoned account experts who will guide you every step of the way

Thanks to our advanced payment terminals and software that seamlessly integrate into your checkout process, implementing a cash discount program has never been easier.

Take the first step by reaching out to or filling out our online application form:

Merchant Application