Address Verification System

As a non-profit entity, you may find it easy to love what you do, but hard when it comes to finding the funds to do it. While the job of a non-profit can help fulfill the needs of many, quite often it does seem that lack of funds can quickly derail goals. Below we examine

Non Profits Making a difference

While Organizations or businesses have traditionally been large groups with vast networks and resources, technology has empowered everyday people to form not-for-profits with little more than a laptop and an idea. It’s enabling people from anywhere in the world to access free world-class education; it’s helping to deliver clean water and improved sanitation in developing

Secure Payment Gateway

Charities сultivаtе rеlаtiоnѕhiрѕ with stars for thеir ability tо increase the рubliс’ѕ аwаrеnеѕѕ оf thеir charitable еndеаvоrѕ аnd thuѕ ѕtimulаtе mоrе donations. Celebrities саn bе ѕроkеѕреrѕоnѕ, bоаrd members or еvеn a fоundеr оf a charity. It iѕ wоndеrful thаt сеlеbritiеѕ hаvе thе power tо mаkе uѕ aware of саuѕеѕ thаt need our support. But thе

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Nonprofits are often considered small operations struggling to find funds, while the  multinational corporations and companies are using sophisticated marketing strategies to help drive donations from their supporters.  The overall goal is to create demand for their products and services in their own markets. This demand can help provide generous earning potentials for those working

With well over a billion spam emails sent out daily to uninterested customers, you may not have considered how an email marketing campaign strategy could really work for your small business. After all, it may feel nearly impossible to reach your target audience via an email campaign, without paying a lot of money. If you

Online Giving

Our partners at Continue to Give offer churches easy ways to raise funds or collect tithes and offerings from their givers. This also allows for Online Giving opportunities through donations for nonprofits which in turn increases giving incentives that assist both missionaries and individuals to crowdfund. This video goes over a quick in depth view

Online Giving

If you are a nonprofit organization looking for an easy way to collect digital donations for non profits, SecureGlobalPay can offer many unique solutions that will make it easy for your donors to give to your church or non-profit organization. Non profits and religious organizations are able to simplify their donation process with Secure Global

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