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Business Advice for Merchants

Understanding Merchant Account Fees

| December 29, 2015

Trying to understand all the Merchant Account Fees and Pricing Structure for a High Risk Business? Call SecureGlobalPay so you aren't stuck paying High Fees

Top Six Rookie Mistakes Made When Choosing a Merchant Account Provider

| December 22, 2015

A Comprehensive list of Top Ten Mistakes made when choosing a Merchant Account Provider, especially Businesses are looking for High Risk Payment Processors.

What You Should Know About Costly Downgrade Fees

| December 14, 2015

Costly downgrade fees for your merchant services? We'll request a report that details the reasons you are receiving costly surcharges to help reduce cost

How the IRS Can Take 28% in Fees From Your Merchant Account!

| November 30, 2015

If you have received a “B” notice from us (IRS Withholding Notice), it is extremely important that you verify your Taxpayer Identification Number Today.