Accept credit cards on phone or tablet via our iProcess mobile payments application. Mobile payment processing made easy w/ SecureGlobalPay
A merchant ID or merchant identification number can usually be issued the same day for most lower risk businesses processing under 25K p month
Mobile merchants use mobile card swipers or mobile credit card readers for phones when accepting credit and debit card payments on the go
Learn how to calculate basis points, how they scale with percentages, and how they influence credit card processing fees.
Credit Card Brand Fees & Credit Card Fees are a crucial part of payment processing. It's important to know the difference between the two.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Accepting Credit Cards. It really depends on your Business Model & what you are trying to accomplish
Terminology - Credit Card Processing. We provide an easy to understand, visual guide to credit card processing terms, definitions and commonly used phrases
Restaurant Merchant Accounts must include a credit card processing system that has the ability to accept tips, coupons, gift cards and more.
When accepting card not present transactions the sponsoring bank & payment processor will scrub the info via the Address Verification System
The terms most often used when underwriting Higher Risk and Hard to Place Merchant Accounts is called a Holdback or Reserve - SecureGlobalPay