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Retail Payment Processing

Retail Processing

Our innovative retail payment solutions are complete, reliable and designed to secure your success whether your business is a small local retail outlet, a regional franchise organization or a national chain store operation.

Complete Payment Solutions

SecureGlobalPay supports all major credit/debit payment options your retail business will need including: all major credit cards, debit & Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) cards, corporate cards, gift & loyalty cards and other emerging electronic payment options such as electronic check conversion. Our rates are highly competitive, settlement is fast and reporting is comprehensive.

Varied Terminal Interfaces & Flexible Platforms

SecureGlobalPay supports all major stand-alone terminals. If you are a multi-location retail store, our platform options include stand-alone or network terminals as well as PCs or integrated systems for multi-terminal configurations requiring central reconciliation (ICVerify, PC Charge, POSiTouch). SGP also supports a wide variety of connectivity methods including VSAT, frame relay, Internet transport and various wireless technologies. Our enhanced terminal features can accommodate any business model.

Connectivity Options

SecureGlobalPay offers a full spectrum of connectivity options to support your processing needs including: dial-up, wireless, authorization via Internet and high-speed T1 lines.

Comprehensive Reporting Tools

SecureGlobalPay will provide you with detailed location and corporate reporting in daily, weekly or monthly formats through secure Web access. You can also download data directly into your own accounting systems.

Service and Support

As your payment solution partner, SecureGlobalPay is committed to providing unparalleled support to its merchants. Our state-of-the-art support center is available 24 x7, and you can consult with our experienced technical helpdesk experts and retrieval/chargeback resolution specialists 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We offer relationship manager services for any merchant that wants more personalized, ongoing support. Our commitment to having completely satisfied merchants also includes an open invitation to contact us at senior management should any merchant need assistance.

Cloud-Based POS Processing Solutions

SecureGlobalPay provides software for Windows®-based PCs and laptops interacting with our cloud-based gateway, enables merchants to securely process credit, PIN debit, signature capture, check, gift card and loyalty transactions. And with our updated user interface and enhanced features, merchants can begin accepting electronic payments quicker and easier.