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SecureGlobal eCmmerce

Recurring Billing

SecureGlobalPay Gateway supports three separate recurring billing options.

The merchant will setup and bill a single cardholder via credit card or ACH e-Check, a specific dollar amount on a sepcific day for an indefinite or specified period of time. Expanded/Plan Recurring Billing
The merchant creates a plan and then can associate an unlimited number of cardholders with the plan.

The plan approach provides simplicity when the time comes to update the plan.

When the merchant changes the dollar amount to be charged or the timing of the charges all associated cardholders are affected immediately.

Modifiable Recurring Billing
Using the Batch Upload feature, the merchant can create an excel spreadsheet, .CSV or .TXT file to be uploaded as often as needed.

This feature provides the merchant with the simplicity of recurring billing and the ability to change any related billing information including the dollar amount.

If the merchant elects to create an excel worksheet, the template can be saved within the gateway and used for subsequent processing and settlement.

The Batch Upload process can process 50,000 transactions within approximately 90 minutes.