A level 3 purchasing card is a type of business credit card that can be issued to employees for use in routine purchasing functions, for travel and entertainment, for fleet-related expenses, or combinations of purposes.
Efficiency in operations is achieved through the willingness of card issuing financial companies to tailor their merchant account invoicing and reporting offerings to easily integrate with your accounting system, IT capability, or other data operations. This can lead to more control and better performance from a broad spectrum of core business functions.
Level 3 (or Level III) processing is for businesses who process credit/debit cards exclusively for business-to-business purchases and government cards.
Many times, Level 3 interchange rates can be up to 1.00% lower than your average retail rate. However, to process Level 3 data, you are required to input more detailed information for each transaction. Additionally, processing Level 3 data can only be done through a customized payment gateway. Please call your SecureGlobalPay representative to get pricing.
Level 3 credit card processing requires the capture of very specific line item details in credit card transactions. Some of the additional data fields will include merchant names, address, invoice numbers , tax amounts, plus many line item details such as item description, quantities and units of measure, freight amounts, and commodities and product codes.
This additional reporting assists corporate and government customers with monitoring and tracking internal spending. Additionally, allows clients to set predefined restrictions on their cardholders on how and when cards are used. As an example, a corporation or government entity might want to set upper limits on transaction amounts or the monthly frequency of the purchases made when the card is used.
To qualify for Level 3 credit/debit card processing you will need the following information to complete the transaction: