It is often said that small business owners wear many different hats each day and because they do, Time Management has to be one of the single most important disciplines that entrepreneurs should practice. It is not uncommon for a small business owner to start the day headed in one direction and find themselves in a completely different direction by the end of the day. It can often be difficult to focus on one thing at a time when it seems like there are so many different ​challenges​ that need your full attention.

However, most of the latest research indicates that not only does maintaining focus help you become more productive, it is also far more healthy for you in the long run. Below we put together a list of ideas that may help you become more productive in this New Year.


When it comes to time management, email is one of the worst culprits in helping you lose focus. Checking email constantly throughout the day can become an easy distraction method. With each new “ping” in your inbox, email can become a powerful reward to help break up the monotony of your day.

However, it ​ can ​also ​ slowly begin to take over your time as you start to feel more and more anxious to meet and greet every email that comes through. If you are trying to manage your time, we ​almost ​ guarantee that email will only ​take time away from what you are doing as opposed to giving ​ it back. If you are serious about becoming more productive, pick only a couple times a day where you allow yourself to check your email. If you are outside of those times, then turn your email OFF. Otherwise the temptation to keep checking your email will slowly creep back into your day until it ​begins to ​ run your life again.

Get Rid of Junk

There is no doubt that technology is always moving at a rapid pace. You may have felt the need to subscribe to as many industry emails and magazines as possible to keep up with the latest trends. We all have the intention of staying caught up with the latest advancements in our industry. However, it can be almost impossible to do so! To be more productive you need to honestly ask yourself how many of the emails and magazines do you read? Take some time to pick one or two that you really like and then JUNK the rest! There is no reason to keep feeding your inbox with reminders that you are “falling behind”. In fact, following a few really good subscriptions will do so much more in keeping you up to date on technology than following a whole bunch of subscriptions that you never read.

Stop Refusing to Take a Vacation

It is often said that taking a break and recharging your “batteries” can decrease the amount of burn out and sick days you take throughout the year.

We understand why you might not want to take a break. You feel Time Management is more about managing your time while you are working for best results. You may feel the panic of losing out on opportunities because you took time “off.” However, ask yourself how productive you are when you feel like life is grinding you slowly down day after day. Now think back on the last time you really took a break. Did you feel recharged and refreshed? Were you bursting with new ideas when you got back to work? When you are well rested, you will feel more focused and productive in your daily life. So, don’t ignore yourself the next time you need a break.

Get Up and Move

Have you heard the latest stats that sitting is the new smoking? It’s incredibly unhealthy and can make you less productive. Getting up throughout your day and moving around a bit will help you remain focused and productive. Remembering to move is easier when you set up routines throughout your day that will encourage you to keep moving. Practice your Time Management skills by putting time aside throughout the day to move around, stretch and shake things up a bit before sitting down to edit that next article or do whatever it is, that keeps you in that desk chair day in and day out.

Sleep is King

As we get busier and busier sleep seems to only get in the way of our productivity. Sleep doesn’t feel as necessary as that budget proposal that needs to be turned in tomorrow morning. However, too many sleepless nights can start to impact your productivity in a negative way. Time Management studies have shown that sleep deprivation is similar to being intoxicated. When was the last time you wrote a successful budget proposal while intoxicated? For most of us, this would not turn out well. It is important for your health and your productivity to take the time each night to get the proper amount of rest so that you feel refreshed the next day.

Time Management Means…Stop Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again

How much of your day is spent rewriting the same thing over and over again? Do you feel like you a repeating yourself constantly? It’s a New Year and the perfect time to start looking at your processes to see what you can cut out of your monotonous day.

Start with your email. If you are sending the same email over and over again, set up an auto-responder to respond to certain messages. If you ​find yourself ​ repeating ​ certain​ things to ​your ​ customers ​,​ ​try and ​ find ways to lead them to a website with all the information, or have material on hand where all the information is written in a clean and concise manner. This gives them the option of referring back to the materials to answer questions instead of coming to you and interrupting your productive day.

This can apply to certain undesirable tasks in your life​ as well​ .

Sick of cleaning the toilet? Hire a maid service to come in once a week and do it for you. There are many affordable options out there for everyone. This will leave you with more time to do the thing important things that need to get done!

Find a Job That Will Help You Grow

Being productive with Time Management can be really hard if you hate what you have to do each day to pay the bills. If that is the case, then SecureGlobalPay can help. Have you ever considered working as an Independent Sales Rep?

Are you a self-motivated, people-oriented person who enjoys working closely with clients to explain the products you’re passionate about?

Join the SecureGlobalPay team and we will be at your side to guarantee that you have all the tools you need and the support you deserve to make your day and your life productive. With our high paying residual income structure our top representatives can earn a six figure income. We are looking for both experienced and new independent sales people. We will provide complete training and will teach you how to become the best in the industry.

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